Friday Apr 24, 2020

Hey you, You made a mistake and thats ok

On this episode Petty shares her mistakes and how she overcame them. We do not own the music, its by DR Tumi.

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🙈Sorry for the many comments today. My original comment was too long and it wouldn't let me send it all in one text. So I had to divide it into chunks. I really appreciate your podcast and am learning a lot from it. I haven't yet read your blogs, but I'll have to do so soon. Stay blessed dear and keep doing what you do.😘

Wednesday May 06, 2020


Having many people asking me to do certain things makes me feel like maybe they recognise that I'm good at doing those things. However I feel more fulfilled when people ask me to teach them how to do something that I'm good at rather than do it for them, even if teaching them takes only a few minutes. So I'm now still trying to learn the art of saying no without feeling guilty.

Wednesday May 06, 2020


I thought I would film and edit at least 4 videos and upload every 2 weeks, but I have failed to finish editing even 1 since the first upload. Despite making me stay behind in my own tasks and goals, this whole thing of doing favours for people has helped me learn skills that I probably wouldn't be knowing by now. I'm now more or less self-reliant and don't have to bother people asking them to do things for me.

Wednesday May 06, 2020


I had planned to do certain things for myself during the lockdown, but I failed to do almost all of them because I spent so much time doing favours for people. I think the only thing I'm proud of doing during the lockdown is starting a YouTube channel, although it wasn't one of the things I had originally planned to do. It's now almost a month since uploading my first video.

Wednesday May 06, 2020


I actually fail to focus on my own things when I know that I have pending tasks for other people. This situation really pains me because I don't think most of these people appreciate me enough and understand the sacrifices I make just to make them happy. Some of them still keep asking for favours yet they barely do anything for me. I'm glad my closest friends aren't that type though.

Wednesday May 06, 2020


Even when I get a new friend, sometimes they ask for favours before the end of the first day of talking. I still find it very difficult to say no. And when I do these things, I do my best as if I'm doing it for myself. In fact, I think I put more effort when doing tasks for people than when doing for myself. Even when it's something that I don't know how to do, I go an extra mile and research so I can do it for that person. I often have to deprive myself of sleep doing these things for people.

Wednesday May 06, 2020


I also didn't like lying to them and say that I don't have extra. So I ended up coming up with a planning of making sure I go to school with only enough for myself so that when people borrowed for something, I could tell them that I don't have extra. I thought I have finally escaped, but the same thing is still happening in a different form. People now don't ask for my money and things but they like asking for favours.

Wednesday May 06, 2020


Thankfully, I'm now starting to overcome that. But in a way, this "weakness" of struggling to forgive myself has helped me avoid getting myself into certain blunders. I've also always been a giver and not a taker. Throughout my school life, I would always lend people my stationery and money. Students even knew that if they wanna borrow something, they can get it from me. I always found it difficult to say no, even to people who I knew would never return my things.

Wednesday May 06, 2020


Hey Petty. Thank you so much for the shout out dear😍. I'll keep supporting. It really thrills my heart to see a Message believer impacting lives. Sorry for coming late too. I had uninstalled the app to create space in my phone and only got around to reinstalling it last night. I can completely relate to many of the things you addressed in this podcast. Oftentimes when I make mistakes, even the smallest ones, I find it hard to forgive myself, worse if people keep blaming me or reminding me.

Wednesday May 06, 2020

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